The Founder
Tatiana Koumidou BSc, FCA – Managing Director | Head Business Consultant
Ms Tatiana Koumidou is the Founder and Managing Director of Tatiana First Co.

The Full Story
Ms Koumidou is a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA) and a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
Ms Koumidou graduated from high-school as the top-of-the 2003 class student and a 99th percentile student, after having scored full marks in 9 out of 11 subjects in the semester and the yearly final exams.
​She then entered the University of Cyprus Business Faculty where she majored in Finance.
​In 2007 she graduated top-of-her-class having obtained a Bachelor of Science (Distinction) in Business Administration with a major in Finance.
During her 3rd year of studies she was sought after by the Big-Four Accounting Firms and decided to sign her employment contract with Ernst & Young Cyprus to pursue a career in Auditing, International Tax planning and Business Consulting.
Ms Koumidou qualified as a Chartered Accountant (ACA) and is a Fellow Member of the ICAEW in the United Kingdom and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPAC), the Cyprus regulating body of the accounting profession.
In 2023 she obtained her Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering with Distinction and became a member of the International Compliance Association of the UK.
As per the approval of ICPAC, she acts in her capacity as the Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer (AMLCO) of Tatiana First Co.
She also acts as the AMLCO on behalf of some of her highly - regulated and licensed clients.
During her career she worked in key management positions in top-international audit firms and as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and head consultant of large global entities, having obtained solid experience in numerous industries.
Ms Koumidou has been extensively involved in providing services to shipowners and to merchant vessels. She acts as a S&P shipbroker internationally and monitors and inspects the provision of ship technical services to ensure top-tier quality and budget control.
​With regards to shipping she has obtained four diplomas from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens in Shipbroking & Chartering, Maritime Strategy Claims and Operations, Maritime Law in Practice and Marine Communication Systems.
Always actively involved in her country’s and international business affairs, Ms Koumidou is an active member of the Cyprus Germany Business Association which was founded under the umbrella of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI).
​She is an active member of The Propeller Club of the United States Port of Piraeus and the Cyprus Marine Club.
She speaks Greek, English and Spanish fluently and is currently a Russian language student.
When not in the office Ms Koumidou enjoys swimming, windsurfing and snow-skiing.